Photo by Cortney White

Photo by Cortney White

Runner. Dreamer.

Hi there! I’m Madeline. I am a professional runner living and training in Minneapolis, Minnesota. You can usually find me out on the trails or at a local coffee shop. If you see me, say hi! I’d love it.

I was a walk-on athlete for the University of Minnesota cross country and track & field teams. I won a single track & field state title in high school and was probably recruited more heavily for basketball than running. I ran at Minnesota from 2013-2018, where I was a 2x Big Ten Champion, Division One All-American, and a leader of three Big Ten team championships. In between practice and meets, I snuck in some studying and earned two degrees: one in marketing and the other Mandarin Chinese.

I grew up traveling the world with my family, living in Beijing, China, Hong Kong, and Doha, Qatar – so change and adaptability are basically my middle names. Fun facts: I went to 10 different schools from K-12, and college was the longest I’ve lived in one place, ever. One of my favorite parts about my nomadic upbringing is that I still have a diverse network of friends all around the world. I love meeting new people and am excited that professional running will bring more travel and new friends!

Follow along with my journey. I’m sure there will be plenty of ups and downs, but I have lofty goals and lots of miles left in my legs to chase them down!